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3 Steps On How To Talk To Your Subconscious Mind

Rodolfo Rabonza


We associate ourselves easily with our memories. It is the trick that our subconscious mind seems to tell us. But that person who created that memory is no longer the same person creating a new memory this time. We are not aware of it. That is why, we still act and respond to new events as if we are the same person as before, pulling us back to the old events that are no longer appropriate nor relevant to what is happening now. Read on to find out how to get unstuck from this kind of thinking.

Did this ever happen to you?

You wanted to have a great physique, so you started visualizing it and even posted pictures of your ideal body on your bathroom mirror.

You became a member of your nearest gym and planned to go there three times a week.

You were good for one month.

And then, suddenly, “life” happened.

“Something” got in the way.

Plans changed.

And then you stopped.

You felt bad about yourself.

You started to feel like “this feels familiar.”

In fact, this “familiar situation” happened before. But, in a different form.

In short, you just “never finish what you start.” At least, that’s how you felt.

And the more you think about it, the more you get sucked into the quicksand of self- sabotage and negative self-talk.

Maxwell Maltz, an American cosmetic surgeon and author of the book Psycho-Cybernetics, mentioned in his book: “Remorse and regret are attempts to emotionally live in the past. Excessive guilt is an attempt to make right in the past something we did wrong or thought of as wrong in the past.”

So, this becomes a pattern of self-defeating mantra that keeps on repeating in your head, creating neuropathways that connect the bad memory of the present to all past similar experiences together which solidify in the process over time, making it seemingly “true” for you.

Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, refers to it as neuroplasticity. One of his famous lines is, “neurons that fire together, wire together.”

Your subconscious has all the files and programs stored in its network of cabinets with all the meanings attached to them. And it is always ready to trigger at any relevant and appropriate events.

The reason why it’s hard for you to succeed is because you don’t know how to succeed. At least, based on the experiences you’ve had in the past (in this case, having a better body).

Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker, and mentor to Tony Robbins (contemporary renowned life coach and motivational speaker), said, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.”

It means, you need new experiences of success in order to build new stored memories of success in your subconscious mind.

Now, imagine having your subconscious mind only trigger from programs of winning actions. You would be unstoppable. Right?

Everything would just flow.

You just attack all your goals with great gusto and enthusiasm.

Every defeat is not a defeat but a lesson that just propels you to the next level.

If you find yourself in the self-doubt situation, use these ideas on how to talk to your subconscious mind and change your life:

1.Your subconscious mind always provides you hints. It knows everything about you. It has a vast library of ideas, insights, experiences, and programs. it gets automatically triggered by the outside stimulus. It manifests in your bodily reaction such as feelings of anxiety, anger, excitement, grief, happiness.

● When you are about to speak on a stage or about to eat at your favorite Italian restaurant, your subconscious communicates to you. It provides suggestions.

● However, whatever ideas it provides are just mere counsels. You do not have to act on them right away until after you determine if it’s a good advice. Remember, it only knows what it only knows. You need to provide new data into it in order to form newer neural pathways for future events.

2. Write down all the insights you gather from your subconscious mind.

● If you want to know about something or need help on something for example, “What topic will I write about on my blog today?” Write the question on the top of the page of a paper and you keep on writing ideas that pop in your head.

● Keep on writing until you get something that feels significant for you. You will know the feeling when you get there. You will feel right about it.

● Persist until you get what you want from your subconscious mind. It is your servant. It provides you what you need. You only need to command it.

● Based on all the insights that you got from your subconscious, you will still be the decision-maker. This is how you form new patterns. You leverage the data from your subconscious mind to create a new neuropathway in it.

3. Speak to your subconscious. If you find yourself reverting back to eating donuts after promising yourself that you will eat clean, there is something in your subconscious that tells you that eating clean is difficult or cannot be done or it is impossible.

● Ask your subconscious a question. Find a spot where it is comfortable. Make sure that you are relaxed, and your attention is directly focused on the task. A good time is before bed when everything’s quiet and you are ready to retire.

● You could ask your subconscious, “Why do you like donuts? What would happen if you stop eating donuts? What is the reason for you wanting to eat donuts everyday? What is your intention in getting a better body? How can you create a nutrition program that is sustainable to get this?’ Listen to the answers and write them all down.

● After you gather all answers from your subconscious, create your own proposal based on the answers provided to you. Tell this to your subconscious mind. For example, “Stop passing by the donut shop every morning. Instead, get coffee from Starbucks to provide you a feeling of happiness in the morning.” Command your subconscious mind of the new event that you want to transpire.

If you are feeling stuck, that is also a neuropathway stored in your subconscious mind. Probably, you are comfortable in getting stuck. Or probably, that’s all you know how to do.

Your memories of the past are all stored in your subconscious. If you sabotaged yourself in the past, it is there. If you have never won anything before, it is there.

On the other hand, if you only have memories of overcoming adversities, it is also there.

You just need to leverage what you have and turn them around to your benefit.

It is time to change your negative self-talk and erroneous beliefs.

You can start by talking to your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious will stay with you for the rest of your life. And it influences your decisions, behavior, relationships, and your other dynamics. So better learn how to make it your ally and friend.

Check out this LINK HERE for more resources on similar topic.



Rodolfo Rabonza

Rodolfo Rabonza is a serial entrepreneur, business consultant, and coach, obsessed in finding hacks on how to optimize the use of the mind.